There was a time, long ago, when I wanted to be the hero of my story. I wanted to be someone special, a leader, someone the world would remember when I was gone. That’s pretty normal, I think, especially for a straight white boy […]
Tag: love
A prayer
Wherever you are Whomever you’re with Whatever you’re doing I wish you peace, love, and happiness I hope you have a wonderful day I love you
If I’m to love you
The core of who you are, if you could be stripped and distilled into a geometric shape, would be an equilateral triangle composed of intellect, compassion, and physical affection. You think about the world and about your place in it. You don’t crumble when […]
After the fire
I remember the first time I saw images of what the 1988 wildfire did to Yellowstone: Blackened trunks of naked lodgepole pine jutting from scorched earth like broken bones piercing burnt fleshA charred skeleton of a forest, a corpse of ashen grasslandWildland turned wasteland, […]