There was a time, long ago, when I wanted to be the hero of my story. I wanted to be someone special, a leader, someone the world would remember when I was gone. That’s pretty normal, I think, especially for a straight white boy […]
Tag: relationships
The Most Important Words
The most important words a man can say are, “I will do better.” These are not the most important words any man can say. I am a man, and they are what I needed to say. The ancient code of the Knights Radiant says […]
Sex Can(‘t) Be Everything: Wilderness
Author’s Note I wrote this in the Spring of 2021. Another life, it seems. Life in Bumblefuck has its challenges. The West End of Clallam County is one of the most distant, most sparsely populated regions of western Washington that a person can call […]
If I’m to love you
The core of who you are, if you could be stripped and distilled into a geometric shape, would be an equilateral triangle composed of intellect, compassion, and physical affection. You think about the world and about your place in it. You don’t crumble when […]
After the fire
I remember the first time I saw images of what the 1988 wildfire did to Yellowstone: Blackened trunks of naked lodgepole pine jutting from scorched earth like broken bones piercing burnt fleshA charred skeleton of a forest, a corpse of ashen grasslandWildland turned wasteland, […]